14 Awesome Movies That Make No Sense Whatsoever

14. Crank 2: High Voltage (2009)

The Plot: Despite "dying" at the end of the first Crank, Chev Chelios (Jason Statham) returns for another endurance trial as he's kitted out with an artificial heart. He's got until the charge runs out to get his birth pumper back, and with so many gangsters out to get him, it won't be easy. Most WTF Moment: While fighting Johnny Vang (Art Hsu) at a power station, Chev ends up electrocuted, transforming their battle into a giant, Godzilla-esque showdown, in which the pair now appear to be super-sized monsters (complete with exaggerated, cartoonish masks of Statham and Hsu) who tear the station to pieces. There's even miniature figures "playing" the site's stunned employees for added kicks. Why It's Awesome: Crank 2 is a movie that recklessly abandons typical narrative logic and is all the better for it. Most of the movie is just a 12-year-old boy's stream-of-consciousness, from excessive nudity to grotesque comic violence and everything in between. That it's also one of Statham's most gleefully enjoyable films and easily outdoes the comparatively meek original is a given.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.