The Plot: A man named Mr. Oscar (Denis Lavant) goes about his day being driven to various "jobs" where, like an actor, he plays numerous different roles for no seemingly reason at all. Most WTF Moment: Oscar plays a feral, red-haired man called Monsieur Merde, who interrupts a nearby photoshoot by biting off an assistant's finger, licking Eva Mendes' armpit, and then kidnapping her. Why It's Awesome: Though it doesn't make a lick of sense aside from likely being a satire of the film industry, it's ridiculously imaginative and, through the numerous roles that Lavant is required to play, constantly changes up the scenario before any one can get boring. Plus, in addition to Mendes' bizarre cameo, Kylie Minogue shows up for a brief sing-song. As if that wasn't enough reason to justify its awesomeness, it's got a mo-cap sex scene and talking limousines too.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.