14 Cinematic Universes Everyone Wants To See

Because what's the point if everything isn't conveniently connected together?

Above all else, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has proved the effectiveness of a planned, meticulously stitched-together movie world, one which truly makes the audience feel like they're part of something huge, with a deep mythology and constant changing-up of the guard. As such, it's little surprise that other movie studios are looking to jump on the bandwagon, what with Warner Bros. building a DC Cinematic Universe, and a number of non-comic properties aiming to do similar things with their seemingly lucrative franchises. Rather than what's actually being made, it's time to fantasise about cinematic universes that everyone wants to see, regardless of whether there's any possibility that they actually can or will happen. Some of these universes have already been hinted at, while others are practically impossible, but each is a tantalising provocation to consider, even if you might have to settle for the universe existing only in the minds of fan theorists. From the most obvious toy lines destined to drain audiences of more money, to iconic genre legends desperate for one last resurgence, directors whose movies all look the same (and you know exactly who) and franchises which seem born to combine into one bigger, better world, here are 14 cinematic universes everyone wants to see...
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.