14 Dumbest Things In Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

12. I Need Jim Kirk

Kirk Rock
KIRK: With all due respect, the Enterprise is a disaster. There must be other ships in the Quadrant.
ADMIRAL BOB: Other ships, yes, but no experienced commanders. Captain, ...I need Jim Kirk.

Granted...but does Admiral Bob need him on a less than a skeleton-crewed “disaster” of a ship?

While we can all appreciate that for once the Enterprise is not the “only ship in the quadrant,” sending Kirk out with a plot-convenience-sized crew just big enough for a handful of Sybok’s Galactic Army of Light to wrest control from is just as bad a cheat, if not worse.

Bob says there are other ships, so why not send one of those in support? Or have Kirk take command of the mission from one of them? Or have him replace that ship's captain and pointlessly grade reduce this new Will Decker like he did in The Motion Picture?

Okay, maybe not that last one.

Truly memorable adversaries present serious challenges to the protagonists, but rather than make Sybok into a Spockian Super Genius who’s figured out how to take over a starship against incredible odds, the script takes the lazy route of giving him a primrose path to success.

Bob may need Jim Kirk, but this movie needed a less dumb script.

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Maurice is one of the founders of FACT TREK (www.facttrek.com), a project dedicated to untangling 50+ years of mythology about the original Star Trek and its place in TV history. He's also a screenwriter, writer, and videogame industry vet with scars to show for it. In that latter capacity he game designer/writer on the Sega Genesis/SNES "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — Crossroads of Time" game, as well as Dreamcast "Ecco the Dolphin, Defender of the Future" where Tom Baker performed words he wrote.