14 Epic Movie Drinking Games You Must Play Before You Die

10. Commando - Arnie's Body Count

Pacific Rim Jagermeister
20th Century Studios

The Game: It's simple: every time Arnie's protagonist John Matrix kills someone, take a drink.

Recommended Alcohol: Beer, for the love of God, nothing more than beer.

Difficulty Level: The thing that makes this one so difficult is the pacing. Arnie "only" kills 7 people in the first hour of the movie, and saves the other 95 souls for the final 20 minute orgy of cathartic violence.

Even if you're taking fairly conservative sips, that's probably going to be 4 beers inside of 20 minutes, in which case you may as well just start shotgunning them as soon as it all kicks off.

It's not so much the intoxication that makes this one difficult, but the sheer stomach bloat you'll get from all that liquid sloshing around. 9/10

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.