14 Most Disappointing Movies From Summer 2015

1. Tomorrowland

Why It's Disappointing: Because Brad Bird proved with Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol that animation directors could transition effortlessly into exciting live-action fare, and so expectations were sky-high for his latest unique project. Sadly, Damon "I ruined Prometheus" Lindelof strikes again, his story failing in a number of key areas: for a movie called Tomorrowland, a shockingly small amount of it takes place there, George Clooney is barely in it despite appearing prominently in advertising, it shoves its political ideology down the audience's throat, and the third act is an utter mess. How To Improve It: There are absolutely the bones of a fertile idea here, but the first 90 minutes of the film need to be condensed into the first act, rather than having the protagonist traipsing around Earth for so long. Emphasise the feeling of wonder that Tomorrowland is supposed to invite, throw in some thrilling set-pieces and give an actor of Clooney's talents a more involved role in the plot. Also, ditch the hilariously corny ending sequence. Which movies were you most let down by this summer? Shout them out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.