14 Most Out Of Place Scenes In Movie History

11. "Pancakes!" - Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever Pancakes

The Scene: As the central group of college graduates finds themselves falling victim to flesh-eating bacteria, one of the group, Burt (James DeBello), drives to the nearest convenience store to summon help.

Here he's met by an eccentric young boy, Dennis (Matthew Helms), who begins screaming "Pancakes!" at Burt, while performing slow-motion karate moves, and eventually biting Burt on the hand.

Hilariously, Dennis' father blames Burt for what happened and runs him off with a rifle.

Why It's Out Of Place: Now, Eli Roth's cult classic body horror movie is pretty weird by any conventional metric, but even so, this scene is especially bizarre, and delivers easily the best and most unexpected laugh in the entire film.

Cabin Fever would certainly be less memorable and entertaining without it, but when Roth confirmed that most of the scene was improvised on the spot, it wasn't at all surprising. It doesn't really fit with the rest of the movie, but in a totally awesome way.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.