14 Sassiest Droids In The Star Wars Universe

1. Gonk Droid

Star Wars Rogue One K-2SO

A faceless, armless, trash-can-shaped charlatan who can tear you down with a single word.


What does it mean? What doesn’t it mean? Why does this infernal machine refuse to say anything else? Speak another word, you cruel rectangular harlequin! Any word other than that blunt, monosyllabic verbal truncheon!

Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Correlian shore!

Quoth the Gonk Droid “GONK!”

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David Bailey is a creative advertising professional who moonlights as a Private Investigative Journalist. He currently resides in Los Angeles and enjoys receiving haircuts and eating sandwiches. You may find him on twitter @TheRingaDingKid.