14 Times Comic Book Movies Completely F*cked Iconic Villains

14. Juggernaut (X-Men: The Last Stand)

Juggernaut X-men 3
Marvel Entertainment

In The Comics

In the source, Cain Marko might not look particularly subtle, but he is surprisingly complex. He's the abused step-brother of Charles Xavier, twisted by his treatment at the hands of his father and compelled to bully Charles as a result.

His powers come courtesy of the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak, which grants him superhuman strength, speed and durability (as well as a host of other powers), making him far more than a ram rod. He's basically the X-Men version of Hulk (who, incidentally, is one of the only characters to ever defeat him).

On Film

X-Men: The Last Stand is not a subtle film by any means, but the decision to hire former footballer and renowned blunt instrument Vinnie Jones to play Juggernaut was a particularly crass move. They actually did a pretty good job of making him look the part, to be fair, thanks to a remarkably convincing muscle suit (though the less said about the S&M harness on top of it, the better), but then saddled him with the worst dialogue of all time.

He's no more than a muscle-bound joke, relegated to being a mutant (rather than a super-empowered figure) to stop him from being too over-powered, and the lasting memory is of that cringe-inducing "I'm the Juggernaut, b*tch" line that would be a meme if it wasn't so awful.

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