14 Upcoming Movies That Are Already Doomed (And Why)

2. Alpha

Alpha Kodi Smit McPhee

Release Date: September 14

Why It's Doomed: This historical action-adventure film about a young hunter (Kodi Smit-McPhee) making a treacherous trip home with a wolf he befriends finished shooting back in May 2017 and was originally set to release on September 15, 2017, before being pushed to March 2nd of this year, and once more to this coming September.

If the laboured release isn't worrying enough, the trailer suggests an over-stylised, almost Zack Snyder-esque approach to its subject matter, complete with blurry, glossy CGI and a ton of slow-motion.

Furthermore, the movie is trying to sell itself as a document of the original forging of friendship between man and canine...which honestly isn't a particularly interesting hook. That all you got?

Granted there's a chance you've not even heard of this one yet (it was originally called The Solutrean), and considering how it's surely going to pass through cinemas without much fanfare later this year, you'll probably forget it shortly after reading this entry.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.