14 Upcoming Movies That Will Probably Waste Awesome Actors

3. Kristen Stewart - Charlie's Angels

Kristen Stewart
IFC Films

The Role: Information is pretty thin on the ground right now, but Stewart's confirmed to be playing one of the three crime-fighting detectives known as "Angels".

Kristen Stewart catches a ton of unnecessary flak for being a one-note actress, but if you've seen her in the likes of Adventureland, Camp X-Ray, Clouds of Sils Maria or Personal Shopper, you know that's not the case at all.

Stewart's casting in a Charlie's Angels reboot does raise some justified eyebrows, though, considering her post-Twilight preference for art-house fare, to the extent that she hasn't appeared in a blockbuster movie since the fantasy franchise wrapped up in 2012.

While there's an outside possibility that Stewart will surprise everyone and give an against-type comedic performance for the ages, it's far more likely she's a bit of an awkward fit here.

Think Kristen Wiig in Ghostbusters: a great talent who seemed totally lost amid far more effervescent comedy turns from Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and, yes, Chris Hemsworth.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.