15 Actors Who Almost Played MCU Characters

8. Jim Carrey - Loki & Rocket Raccoon

Jim Carrey Loki
Marvel Studios

Even though his popularity has unquestionably faded in recent years, Jim Carrey has nevertheless been sought out by Marvel for two MCU roles over the years.

Firstly, Carrey was in contention to play Loki in Thor, an amusing coincidence considering that Carrey wore Loki's mask in his 1994 classic comedy The Mask. It wasn't to be, though, and Tom Hiddleston ultimately took the role to unimaginably delicious heights of villainy.

A few years later, Carrey's name popped up again on the shortlist for Rocket Raccoon, right alongside Adam Sandler, but again, no dice.

Would It Have Worked?: Probably not, and Marvel almost certainly made the right call on both counts. Loki in particular just feels like a bad fit for Carrey, as he'd probably have camped the part up way too much (ala The Riddler in Batman Forever).

Rocket is definitely a more interesting consideration, but Carrey's never had a particularly gruff, tough-sounding voice, so it might've been harder for him to not play Rocket as a pure comic relief character.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.