15 Actors You Totally Forgot Were In DC Comic Book Movies

13. Judd Nelson

Judd Nelson Steel
Warner Bros.

The Movie: Steel

Role: Nathaniel Burke

You'd be forgiven for thinking that Judd Nelson's career as a big screen actor was over well before the second half of the 90s, but the reality is that the former Brat Pack icon has mostly had at least a couple of films out every year since 1990. It's not his fault you haven't seen about 95% of them.

After jumping from the underrated Airheads to TV movies and erotic thrillers, he was cast as the villain in Shaquille O'Neal star vehicle Steel, based on the DC comic book, which was definitely going to follow in Batman's successful footsteps, especially with an NBA star.

The very fact that you didn't know Nelson was the villain in it is testament to how off base that faith was.

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