15 Awesome Harry Potter Deleted Scenes

7. Harry And Dumbledore's Safety

Which movie? Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince Where would it be in film? Set up before Harry and Dumbledore go on their mission and paid off afterwards. What happens? While musing about Draco's actions (something prevalent in The Half-Blood Prince's deleted scenes), Harry comments that he'll be safe on the horcrux hunt because he's with Dumbledore. Later, when he's has been severely weakened, the headmaster states he know's they'll be safe because he's with Harry. Should it have been cut? These moments are so slight, yet add so much to the Harry-Dumbledore dynamic it's unbelievable they were cut. It's a touching reminder that the professor doesn't just see Harry as a student, something The Order Of The Phoenix spent a lot of time dabbling in. This pair of scenes are essentially a passing of the torch, with Harry finally given full responsibility, which is made all the more tragic in retrospect knowing Dumbledore is aware his days are numbered.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.