15 Awesome Plot Twists That Totally Saved Awful Movies

2. The Final Battle Is A Premonition - The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2

Twilight0 Breaking Dawn 2
Summit Entertainment

The Twist: The final showdown, with the Cullens, wolves and other vampires taking on the Volturi is, in fact, a vision presented to Volturi leader Aro (Michael Sheen) by Alice (Ashley Greene). After being shown a future in which he himself dies, Aro decides to leave the heroes alone and go quietly into the night. The End.

Why It Saves The Movie: The filmmakers behind the final Twilight had a real problem on their hands, because Breaking Dawn is notorious among Twi-hards for being disappointingly anti-climactic, and the written ending would look pretty damn terrible on screen.

Instead, director Bill Condon and co. came up with a frankly ingenious way of giving viewers a brutal, action-packed climax (in which beloved characters such as Carlisle and Jasper are violently murdered) without betraying the source material.

Fans of the novel were no doubt doing backflips before Condon pulled the curtain back and said, "Nah, not really", and while the rest of the movie was a lame, unintentionally hilarious slog, this twist ending was actually pretty smart (even if it no doubt seemed cheap to those who hadn't read the book and thought Condon had actually followed through with a savage finale).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.