15 Awesome Scenes From Trailers That Were Stupidly Cut From The Film

15. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Before the 2011 Blu-Ray release, Star Wars deleted scenes were a highly coveted commodity. Occasionally a poorly dubbed, black and white version of an early scene with farmboy Luke or a Tatooine sandstorm would pop up on YouTube, but for the most part it was an internet version of schoolground word of mouth; €"my friend's seen this crazy thing€."

One of the few readily available pieces of evidence about a deleted scene was glimpsed in The Empire Strikes Back trailer. In a moment that continues on from a scene in the final film, we see C-3PO tearing a sign off a door. It€'s a small shot, but hints at a much larger cut sub plot from the film. Echo Base was continuously under attack from wampas, which, initially a hindrance, proved helpful in slowing down the Imperial snowtroopers.

Allegedly cut due to time constraints, the real reason may be because it shows 3PO being something other than a nag.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.