15 Awful Endings That Ruined Potentially Great Films

1. The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013)

€œSell me this pen€. It might be quite easy to forget that The Wolf of Wall Street was actually based on the autobiography of Jordan Belfort. We can take the hagiographical accounts of his most of the time, because the lifestyle is so crazy. However the moment the film tries to paint Jordan Belfort as a man who has become a better person by the end - after everything we see him go through - just seems sad. The Ending That Ruined The Film Switching the whole film€™s outlook from an unbiased glimpse of the larger than life actions of the Stratton oakmont Group over the course of a few years, the last scene makes Belfort€™s reason for writing the book feel redemptive and self-congratulatory. Has he grown? Who cares really? Because the whole of The Wolf of Wall Street is not about a man learning something from a rough life, it is about that very life itself, the journey of Belfort is more one of the price of more and more successful. Because this is what Jordan (played to perfection by DiCaprio) wants from the start of the film, this whole idea of him teaching others to help themselves seems lame by the end. In fact it is no more interesting than watching people picking up trash by the side of the highway in high-vis jackets on a community service order. Which other lame endings deserve to be mentioned on this list? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

Paul has a deep and pervasive addiction to films. He writes and directs his own on occasion.