15 Awful Endings That Ruined Potentially Great Films

14. Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King (2003)

When you have been on as exhaustive a journey as the one in Lord of the Rings, it is only natural that there are lots of loose ends to tie up once the climax has been passed. But when tying up said loose ends takes longer than an episode of Friends, chances are the ending is a film-killer. Not one, but at least three bad endings are stapled to the end of Return of the King like a string of decaying onions. The fan backlash unleashed by the ending of RotK should have been enough of a warning to Peter Jackson prior to making The Hobbit series. Instead he went right on and used the ending as a blueprint for The Hobbit films. The Ending(s) That Ruined The Film Hobbits jumping up and down on a bed and laughing at Rivendell, and a whole passage dedicated to showing Sam getting married to the girl who had most of her scenes (that would have added context) cut out of the original version of the first film, and many more little moments of overly-sentimental drivel really put a downer on the whole series. Really there is so much that is wrong about the ending that it should be skipped altogether.

Paul has a deep and pervasive addiction to films. He writes and directs his own on occasion.