15 Awful Movies That Could Have Awesome Remakes

1. Catwoman

Why It's Awful: Let's see: they renamed Catwoman (Halle Berry) from Selina Kyle to Patience Philips for no reason whatsoever, the plot revolves too much around skin cream, the CGI used to augment Catwoman's cat-like movement is awful, the basketball scene is one of the worst things ever filmed, and Sharon Stone's hilarious death scene is quite clearly a dummy thrown from the top of a building. With its sloppy direction, aneurysm-inducing script and horrid performances (even if Berry is undeniably enthusiastic), Catwoman scored Razzie wins for Worst Picture, Worst Actress (Berry), Worst Director, and Worst Screenplay. The Remake: Focus on Anne Hathaway's Selina Kyle before she met Bruce Wayne (to avoid getting tangled up in the post-Dark Knight Rises chronology too much), steer close to the source material, keep it gritty rather than goofy, and don't have even one line of the dialogue devoted to discussing anti-aging treatments. There is literally no way that any remake from pretty much any director could be worse than the 2004 movie, short of Uwe Boll getting his hands on it. And even then... Are there any other awful movies that desperately deserve remakes? Shout it out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.