15 Awful Movies That Could Have Awesome Remakes

14. Daredevil

Why It's Awful: Daredevil is the movie that made Ben Affleck swear to never wear a superhero costume ever again (something he recently retracted, of course), and with good reason. The more pared-down theatrical cut of the movie enhances the goofiness, plays more to the terrible romantic arc between Daredevil and Elektra (Jennifer Garner), and, well, has Colin Farrell's embarrassingly corny performance as villain Bullseye. The Director's Cut, which is R-rated, restores a great subplot involving Coolio, tones down the romance and is infinitely more watchable, but for the version most people see, it's a really underwhelming waste of a great comic character. The Remake: The idea of a Daredevil reboot has been in the works for over 5 years, with Jason Statham throwing his hat in the ring to play the title character, while director Joe Carnahan pitched a gritty, R-rated remake which was nevertheless rejected by Fox. The rights eventually reverted back to Marvel and Disney, leading to the creation of Netflix's Daredevil TV series due to debut next year, which is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Charlie Cox playing Matt Murdock. Still, by their sheer nature, comic books are frequently handled by different creative voices and lent alternate interpretations, so the TV series shouldn't halt the possibility of the brutal, R-rated Daredevil movie everybody really wants. Whoever directs it needs to make viewers taste the dirt of the gutter, keep the romance to a minimum, and take the villains as seriously as they deserve to be.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.