15 Best Animated Movie Moments Of The Decade

5. Coco - Hector’s Reveal

Toy Story 3

Coco in many ways was the opposite sort of movie to Brave, addressed a couple of entries ago. It’s not a movie filled with set pieces, so much as it is a gloriously colourful and melodramatic movie which keeps its standards high throughout.

That said, as a brilliant movie it still has some great tent pole moments, it’s just that the script around them is so tight you never really feel them beginning or ending. Everything just hits with consistent high quality. Like the guitar melodies of Coco’s soundtrack, it’s not the individual notes you’re drawn to, but how they all layer together.

Having said that, Coco is quite clearly a story with a narrative. Miguel heads to the Land Of The Dead to find his great grandfather and famous guitarist Ernesto De La Cruz, only to find out Ernesto is a phoney.

Not only is Ernesto not Miguel’s great grandfather, he’s also not a talented musician, but instead a thief; all of his best work was stolen by Miguel’s true great grandfather, Hector.

Hector had been working with Miguel since he arrived to try and help him, so finding out the pair share such a deep bond is heartwarming.

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Toy Story 3
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)