15 Best British Films Of The Decade (So Far)

15. Dredd

Though there was plenty of pre-release controversy regarding director Pete Travis being locked out of the editing process, Dredd surprised many when it effortlessly erased haunting memories of Sylvester Stallone's sacrilegious attempt to adapt the classic 2000 AD comic book character. Boasting a superb visual style (especially the ultra-slick, drug-induced "slow-mo" sequences), a simple yet effective plot and the hardcore tone the material deserved, this was very much the Judge Dredd movie fans wanted the first time around. Karl Urban gives an excellent performance as the title character (and doesn't take his helmet off once!), though in many ways the real stars of the show are Lena Headey as the villainous drug baron Ma-Ma, and Olivia Thirlby as Cassandra Anderson, a trainee Judge being evaluated throughout the film by Dredd. Action-packed, well-written and darkly funny, Dredd captures the essence of its iconic character, though sadly the movie's meager box office takings (it didn't even make its $45 million budget back in cinemas) has made a sequel unlikely, even though home video sales were strong and campaigns continue to get Dredd 2 made.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.