15 Best British Films Of The Decade (So Far)

13. Locke

Tom Hardy gives his most impressive performance to date (and that's really saying something) in a role many thought should have been Oscar-nominated earlier this year. Hardy plays Ivan Locke, a construction foreman who is forced to drive from Birmingham to London in order to attend to a difficult personal matter on the eve of a crucial concrete pour at his job. The entire film takes place inside Ivan's car as he attempts to keep both his job and family life from crumbling to pieces, a daring gimmick which requires Hardy to be magnetic at all times. The actor duly rises to the challenge, delivering an unforgettable portrayal of a man barely keeping it together and becoming increasingly frazzled by forces far out of his control. The supporting performances (all of which are voice-over roles during phone calls) give Hardy plenty to work with, and though it might not be to more casual tastes, Locke is a fine example of a minimalist experiment near-perfectly executed.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.