15 Best Dark Fantasy Movies Of All Time
2. Labyrinth (1986)

Outside of his exceptional music career, the late David Bowie is most recognisable for his starring role in the 1986 cult classic hit, Labyrinth. Directed by The Dark Crystal's Jim Henson, and produced by a lesser known filmmaker that goes by the name of George Lucas, Labyrinth is celebrated for its magical use of puppetry.
In true dark fantasy fashion, Labyrinth, like many others, focuses on a young girl transported to a fantastical land. In her breakthrough role, a 16 year old Jennifer Connelly plays Sarah as she is forced to solve a maze and rescue her little brother from the Goblin King, played by Bowie.
Labyrinth has everything a dark fantasy film requires: a young child thrust into danger, a whole host of otherworldly creatures, and an intimidating setting. The most inspiring thing about Labyrinth is the fact that, besides Bowie and Connelly, almost every other on-screen being is a puppet.
The film has a 72% critic score on Rotten Tomatoes, but sadly performed disappointingly at the box office. With a production budget of $25 million, Labyrinth only grossed $13 million at the worldwide box office. Thankfully, Labyrinth has gained a true cult following in the decades since and is regarded as one of the best dark fantasy films for children.