15 Best Horror Movie Directors Ever

9. Joe Dante

It€™s funny how Joe Dante€™s verdict on Ed Wood mirrors his own career: €œHis movies all have a certain consistency and you have to probably say this guy was an auteur of sorts because you can recognise his movies. That€™s quite an achievement in this day of homogenized movies, where people€™s personalities are not really encouraged to shine on film.€ Joe Dante€™s puts his personal stamp on all his films, and whether he€™s making a movie about killer fish, werewolves or Mogwai, you€™ll find a playful sense of humour, a ton of movie references and a cameo from Dick Miller. How many other filmmakers would think to reunite Miller with Jackie Joseph, his co-star in The Little Shop Of Horrors (1960), the way Dante did in Gremlins? The filmmaker got the directing gig on that film after Steven Spielberg saw Piranha, Dante€™s Jaws rip-off that featured Barbara Steele, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Bartel in small roles. It€™s perhaps worth noting that when the film was remade in 2010, the makers did away with the in-jokes (save for a cameo from Richard Dreyfuss) in favour of lots of women in bikinis.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'