15 Best Movies Of 2020 (So Far)

1. Parasite

Harley Quinn Birds Of Prey

Come on. You knew who was getting the top spot on this list.

Coming from Snowpiercer director/ now-multiple-Oscar winner Bong Joon-ho, Parasite is a pitch perfect blend of cutting class satire, twisty mystery, and family comedy which took the world by storm during its wide release at the beginning of 2020, and it's easy to see why.

Sharp and uncompromising enough to satisfy as a tale of contemporary class warfare but warm and human enough to have a lasting emotional impact, this deserved sleeper hit is brilliant as the hype claimed.

Anchored by universally superb performances, crisp cinematography, and a script which interrogates the class divide with grace, subtlety, and humour, this fascinating and intense work of anti-capitalist art is as epochal a film as Gone With the Wind.

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