15 Best Netflix Original Movies Of 2020 (So Far)
The new Spike Lee joint, Tyler Rake's film debut, and the best of the rest Netflix has to offer...

With each passing year, streaming giant Netflix further establishes itself as major mainstream studio capable of producing Hollywood sized hits with more than respectable casts and production crews.
Last year's mega hit The Irishman confirmed that the platform was able to put together a solid Oscar contender (and a great movie to boot), but with viewers spending more time at home and watching their screens than ever before, it remained to be seen whether Netflix could keep up this impressive stream of new content.
Luckily, 2020 has so far seen the streaming platform go from strength to strength, producing and releasing a slew of new movies every month, many of which have been massive hits with audiences. With that in mind, this is the mid-year run down of the best fifteen films to come from Netflix so far this year.
15. Have A Good Trip

Featuring a slew of familiar faces from the worlds of comedy, television, music, and film, everyone interviewed during the duration of Have a Good Trip has one thing in common, and that's the fact they've gotten high as a kite in their life and want to share that experience in all its glorious awkward, funny, sometimes illuminating and sometimes hilariously dumb glory.
Featuring the likes of deadpan Nick Offerman, the reliably charming Sarah Silverman, and rapper A$AP Rocky, this gonzo documentary sees these celebrities recall their best and worst experiences with psychedelics and makes for a mind-expanding watch.
In terms of tone, it's a real "come for Sting, stay for Adam Scott" LSD documentary.