15 Best Performances In The DCEU (So Far)

11. Will Smith - Deadshot

Black Mask Birds of Prey
Warner Bros.

Will Smith's career has seen far better days but as roles like this prove, he is still one of the finest A-listers in Hollywood.

It's hard to buy him as a villain, but Suicide Squad just about gets away with this unusual casting by making Deadshot more of an antihero than a cold blooded killer.

Ultimately, Will Smith is one of the highlights of Suicide Squad. He's an absolute charisma machine who is magnetic in every scene he's in, whether he's being a badass assassin or a caring father to this daughter.

Speaking of that, Deadshot's scenes with his daughter are some of the film's best - and it's mainly thanks to Will Smith.

He isn't going to be in The Suicide Squad (2021), but it's good that the role wasn't recast in order to give Smith the option of returning if he chooses to. Hopefully he will, as he was a really, really good Deadshot.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.