15 Best Things The Internet Has Done With Avengers: Age Of Ultron

13. Steve Has A Message For Us All

The best-known recruitment poster of all time is probably the picture of Uncle Sam, the spirit of our nation, saying "I want you... for U.S. Army," used in both World War I and World War II. Captain America: The First Avenger featured a modified version of this poster with Steve Rogers in Uncle Sam's place and a more commercialized message. But days after Avengers 2 was released, a new version of the poster appeared. The artist behind the modification is - as yet - undiscovered, but Steve Rogers' new message will resonate with anyone who's seen the movie - or at least the first few minutes of it. https://twitter.com/_Neelsreeldeel/status/595667666502811648

T Campbell has written quite a few online comics series and selected work for Marvel, Archie and Tokyopop. His longest-running works are Fans, Penny and Aggie-- and his current project with co-writer Phil Kahn, Guilded Age.