1. Ordinary Batman Adventures
"Batman is comedy gold," says Ethan Siegal in Shortpacked. "He can make anything funny."Ordinary Batman Adventures tests that theory. Though the example above builds on
How To Be Batman, making it a twofer, Sarah Johnson has constructed many more imaginative animation over the years, showing Batman jumping in leaves, tooling around in a wheeled desk chair, and wasting time online when Gotham is quiet, doing all those ordinary little things we do ourselves and never see him do. http://sarahj-art.tumblr.com/post/22109624896/master-post-of-the-last-nine-ordinary-batman Johnson now works at Nickelodeon, making her spare time a bit more limited, but the feature
returned recently after a long absence. Here's to more! What online Bat-things did we miss? Let us know in the comments!