15 Bloody Disgusting Horror Films You Must See Before You Die

1. Re-Animator (1985)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCGGG_NvE4g Purists will disagree, but Re-Animator is the Citizen Kane of H.P. Lovecraft adaptations, and even after 30 years it still delivers the goods. It€™s also the only truly successful modern version of Lovecraft€™s work. The plot: loose-in-his-shoes medical student Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs), convinced he has perfected a formula for the re-animation of fresh corpses, begins using the cadavers in the morgue at Miskatonic University for his research, but don€™t go thinking that this is your standard issue zombie movie. Re-Animator was about as OTT and blackly comic as horror got in the 80s, and even today most films draw the line at a disembodied head going down on a naked starlet. Anyone who thinks that modern horror is too much of a muchness should investigate the past €“ here€™s where you start.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'