15 Characters Who Will Probably Die In 2017's Biggest Movies

11. Selene - Underworld: Blood Wars

Screen Gems

Why She Should Die

Whenever a film introduces a chosen one whose fate is inextricably linked to the resolution of some sort of major, catastrophic conflict, it's almost a nailed on certainty that they will die. Even if they're revived or somehow cheat the Reeper out of their soul, they'll bite the big one.

So the fact that the supposedly final conflict that is central to the plot of Blood Wars between Lycans and Vampires is billed as potentially costing Selene her life is a hard thing to ignore. Particularly as Selene will definitely choose to sacrifice herself to end eons of war, surely?

How She'll Die

A moment of clarity and self-sacrifice - Harry Potter style - when she realises that her life has to end for the war that has defined her people to also end. A loophole might well revive her (if the film actually makes any money, any way), but expect her to "die" at least temporarily.


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