15 Comic Book Movie Deaths That Didn't Last

10. Al Simmons - Spawn

Spawn Movie
New Line Cinema

Cause Of Death: Shady military betrayal. And fire.

Betrayed by the head of a covert government agency, Al Simmons, a military assassin is sent on a last mission to take out a Bio-Chemical plant in North Korea (clearly a mistake from the get go, knowing them) while another assassin is sent to take him out that ends in a great big gas fire, caused by the man (Martin Sheen) who sent the assassin to kill him, and thus who probably could have saved his money.

Sent to Hell for being an assassin, despite his vow to hang up his weapons and "go straight," the Devil offers his a chance to become his eternal servant and leader of his army during Armageddon, in exchange for seeing his fiancee again.

Naturally it's not that simple, and the real world is apparently a lot like Narnia to people in Hell, because when he returns five years have passed and everything is different.

The Science Behind The Revival No science, just the Devil, who apparently needed his own Robocop.

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