15 Controversial Movies That Actually Live Up To The Hype

6. Mother!

Borat Sacha Baron Cohen

The Film:

Mother! is a symbolic drama full of biblical allegories, in which Jennifer Lawrence (Mother Earth) and Javier Bardem (God) have their peaceful lives interrupted when 2 guests, Ed Harris (Adam) and Michelle Pfeiffer (Eve) turn up. It's a worthwhile film, but it isn't for the faint of heart.

The Controversy:

Mother! is another movie which isn't very kind to religion and the film has also faced criticism for its gruesome violence. Who'd have thought you'd ever actually see a baby cannibalized in a theatrically-released film?

Why It Was Right:

Some of Mother!'s marketing has cashed in on the controversies, which was undoubtedly the studio trying to make money back after this bombed at the box office. No-one could sue them for false advertising since they sure ain't lying.

This is the most recent film on this list, so there's no censorship to the film's gruesome violence (although the dead baby is only shown for a few seconds). As people are graphically killed while Jennifer Lawrence is battered and sexually assaulted with seriously gruesome results throughout the film, this is probably the most deserving 18-rated film of 2017.

As well as this, it criticizes religion and isn't very kind to the religious figures it symbolizes throughout the film so it'll offend a lot of people that way too. Inevitably, it'll be the baby scene everyone remembers the most, but there are many other things that make Mother! one of the most shocking films of recent times.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.