15 Creepiest Scenes In Comic Book Movie History
1. The Fear Toxin - Batman Begins
But finally, nothing quite matches the unnerving quality of Christopher Nolan presenting Batman to the audience as a literal monster, when he gives Dr. Crane aka Scarecrow a taste of his own fear toxin.
Crane envisions Batman not as a guy in a black battle suit, but as an all-black monster, the mask now having a skin-like consistency to it, while a black liquid oozes from his mouth and his voice goes superhuman levels of deep.
Like just about anyone would in reality, Crane basically jettisons his mental faculties, and that's all she wrote. From a make-up, direction and acting standpoint, this is perfectly executed and perhaps the quintessential visage of fear when it comes to the superhero genre.
If this didn't make your hairs stand up on end the first time you saw it, you're probably lying.
Which superhero movie scenes have creeped you out the most? Shout them out in the comments!