15 Cult Movie Gems You Can Watch On Netflix

2. Bad Santa

The bleakest holiday film ever made, Terry Zwigoff's Bad Santa contains a character every bit as cult as The Big Lebowski's The Dude: Billie Bob Thornton's Willie, the actor's greatest ever creation, a quote-machine for the ages and the foul-mouthed centrepiece to a film which is cult in general and culter (?) still in the canon of Christmas-film cinema. A movie which takes a character as beloved as Santa Claus and turns him into an abhorrent, depraved drunk was always going to attain a devoted, alternative following, and Bad Santa has since become, somewhat perversely, one of the most admired Christmas (or is that anti-Christmas?) films of all time. Full of memorable lines ("you ain't gonna sh*t right for a week", said as Willie is performing anal sex on a prostitute) and haunting, blackly-comic shots (Willie sitting at a bar, dressed as Santa, while Jingle Bells plays in the background), Bad Santa is one of the darkest, funniest films on this list; a quotable cult classic that could ruin Christmas anywhere.

No-one I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low?