15 Deeply Tasteless Films That Will Offend Everyone

1. The Birth Of A Nation

Movie 43 Hugh Jackman
D.W. Griffith

The Birth of a Nation is actually a fine, influential work but unfortunately, it's the most racist film ever.

In one scene, an aggressive black man, Gus, chases a young white woman through the woods intending to marry her. She commits suicide rather than being 'dishonored' by a black man and Gus is brutally lynched by the Ku Klux Klan shortly after. This sums up the film.

It depicts African-Americans as the cause of all of America's Reconstruction problems; they are presented as lazy, sexually violent, aggressive and corrupt as well as mostly being played by white actors in black-face makeup.

The film shows the creation of the KKK and depicts them as heroes as they lynch, imprison and intimidate black people into not voting. The subjugation of African-Americans is seen as America's salvation.

Here's an inter-title from the film: "The former enemies of the North and South are united again in defense of their Aryan birthright."

It gets worse. This led to the KKK reforming and they used the film as a recruitment tool, meaning this film is literally responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people. It's official: this is one of the most hateful movies of them all.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.