15 Most Deranged Movie Psychopaths

7. Roark Junior (Sin City)

The second of this list€™s comic book psychopaths, Roark Junior is even more deranged than Gotham€™s clownish super-villain. We first see Roark Junior as he is attempting to rape and kill his fourth known victim €“ eleven year old Nancy Callahan. Junior is only prevented from carrying out these sickening actions by Bruce Willis€™ John Hartigan, seemingly the only uncorruptible cop in the city. He may be unwavering in his duty but this doesn€™t mean Hartigan isn€™t bad ass; he shoots off Junior's ear, hand, and genitals in a bid to prevent him raping any more young girls. Junior will return later in the film with hideous yellow skin, the result of years of surgery to regenerate his body parts. What is most despicable about Roark Junior is that unlike the majority of the psychopaths on this list, he€™s physically pathetic. He hides behind his goons, the corrupt police and his senator father€™s money and is never held accountable for his actions. It is living this privileged life, detached from the rest of society, which means that the so-called Yellow Bastard has developed absolutely no moral barometer or empathy. He does as he pleases and hides behind daddy€™s money whenever adversity comes his way.
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.