15 Directors Who Do The Same Thing In Every Movie

5. Sam Raimi Puts His Actors Through Hell

Raimi Gif If you get cast as the lead in a Sam Raimi-directed film, you better brace yourself for some pain, as the Evil Dead creator tends to put his stars through the wringer seemingly as often as he can. Whether it's covering Bruce Campbell in mud, blood and Deadite innards (not to mention chopping off limbs and replacing them with chainsaws and magic metal hands) in the Evil Dead movies, putting Spider-Man through the wringer (almost literally) with sand, blades and metal tentacles rending his costume and flesh to shreds, not to mention the hideous mouth-and-throat horror he commits to Alison Lohman in Drag Me To Hell - a movie which many audience members didn't quite gather was actually really about eating disorders but probably caused more than a few itself...and let's not forget Darkman, Raimi's superhero whose origin story includes the lead being burned almost to death. Raimi's also known for tossing his camera around and incorporating fast-paced editing and whip-pans, much like Edgar Wright, and invented the by now infamous running-with-a-camera-on-a-tree-branch shot used in Evil Dead to illustrate a demonic spirit's point of view that really ought to be in all of his films because it's so damn weird.

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.