15 Dumb Movies Which Are Secretly Smart

4. Dumb And Dumber

Dumb And Dumber Jim Carrey Jeff Daniels
New Line Cinema

As already mentioned, it takes a smart screenwriter to write stupidity well, and Dumb and Dumber is perhaps cinema's all-time greatest lesson on how to endear audiences to thoroughly braindead characters in a sly way.

At its core the film is about two slacker morons, Lloyd and Harry (Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels), stumbling their way across the country in order to return a briefcase to a woman (Lauren Holly) who "misplaced" it at the airport.

And though Carrey and Daniels' performances are what most fondly remember, the script is a masterclass of witty wordplay, juxtaposing the mental ineptitude of these two men against, well, pretty much everybody in the world around them.

And even with their heightened stupidity, the film still realises Lloyd and Harry as fully-drawn characters, not merely props or caricatures for the audience to chuckle at.

Plus, has any toilet gag aged better than Harry's laxative-induced dump in this film? Crafting a scatalogical gag that stands the test of 25 years is genius in of itself.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.