15 Early Predictions For 2018 Oscars

14. Roger Deakins Finally Wins Best Cinematography On His 14th Nomination

Blade Runner 2049
Columbia Pictures

If you're even a casual follower of the awards circus, you'll no doubt be aware that legendary cinematographer Roger Deakins has been nominated for Best Cinematography an insane thirteen times, and despite offering up some of his strongest work ever over the last three years, was beaten out by the excellent Emmanuel Lubezki each of those times.

However, with Lubezki only working on a Terrence Malick movie this year which could end up totally ignored by the Academy, there's a perfect through-line for Deakins to finally win on his fourteenth attempt for Blade Runner 2049.

The teaser trailer alone basically guarantees he's going to get nominated already, and short of an absolute mind-melter coming out of left-field, this will finally be the year where he gets to hit the podium, to a huge standing ovation no doubt.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.