15 Films We’re Amazed That Hollywood Hasn’t Remade Already

15. Swamp Thing

The 1982 film version of the DC/Vertigo Comics character is a classic. Directed and written by Wes Craven of Nightmare on Elm Street fame, I'm completely shocked right now that some studio somewhere hasn't realised that this is a comic book character. Comic book characters at the box office equal money. Therefore a remake of this needs to be made. The basic jist of the film is that Alec Holland is turned into Swamp Thing after an experiment goes wrong and turns into our plant hybrid hero. In turn he must protect the local people and the swamp (in the case of this film, a doctor named Arcane who is seeking immortality). It was 1982 when this was made, and the special effects were a little shaky when they were shot. Now, they're well... B-movie-esque is the polite term. There was a sequel released in 1989 called The Return of Swamp Thing. Potential: Quite likely we'll see this remade at some point. Back in 2009, Joel Silver announced that he was intending to reboot the films and Vincenzo Natali has been attached since April 2010. However he is working on other projects instead.

I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.