15 Films That Took Major Strides In Animation

12. One Hundred And One Dalmatians

Shrek 1

During the Disney Renaissance, One Hundred and One Dalmatians had an undeniably major impact on the animation medium as a whole. When prior animations were drawn gratuitously in pace, this movie considerably upped the margin and efficiency by utilising the newly discovered xerography method.

What this technique did was abandon the costly inking and painting, and use a modified Xerox camera that was able to immediately print onto the transparent celluloid sheets.

Unfortunately it did give a sketchy feel to the character outlines, but due to the speed and conditions xerography provided it made the spotted dogs be fully animated in half the time it would have been if animated in an otherwise procedure.

Being the first Disney animated debut to not follow the olden-time fables also made it stand out, and make it belong with animations released nowadays.

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Just some Irish lad that appears and disappears.