15 Great Movie Villains Who Totally Stole The Show

9. Calvin Candie - Django Unchained

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Django Unchained teaches audiences that as long as you€™'re good with a gun you can overcome all of your problems, even if those problems happen to include being a slave.

After being rescued by German bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz, who is whimsically odd yet deadly efficient (so Christoph Waltz basically), our plucky protagonist Django (Jamie Foxx) sets out to find his wife on a hero's journey that sees him shoot a snowman€™'s face off, dress like an international man of mystery and perform a dressage exhibition in front of an explosion.

Rising to the challenge set by two genuinely magnetic leads, Leonardo DiCaprio put everything he had into the smarmy, racist plantation owner and primary antagonist Calvin Candie. When Leo commits to a role it€™s a joy to watch. Whether he€™'s bragging about his Mandingos or offering up a tooth rotting beverage, Candie is positively dripping with the wrong kind of charisma. Even before he rubs his actual blood across Kerry Washington€™'s face, DiCaprio had made us well and truly hate his character.

Not a man to be crossed, Candie thinks nothing of doling out punishments as brutal and sickening as dog maulings, naked hotbox time and *crosses legs* hot knife castration. So it's no wonder when it comes down to it that Schultz refuses to shake his hand and instead opts to murder him.

Candie's eventual end comes with a whimper (admittedly followed by a lot of bangs but he's not around to see them), a satisfyingly unceremonious death for a man whose whole privileged yet wretched life had been dedicated to theatrical shows of wealth and power.


A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson