15 Great Movie Villains Who Totally Stole The Show

7. Senator Roark - Sin City: A Dame To Kill For

sin city a dame to kill for

Powers Booth has a lot going for him when auditioning for villainous roles, his insanely masculine name and a face that looks like a cross between an oil tycoon and a shark must make casting directors throw any other candidates out of the nearest window lest they anger €˜The Booth€™, as I imagine he is known.

The stylised cinematography in Sin City: A Dame To Kill For only serve to heighten his menacing presence and he owns every scene he features in as the despicable Senator Roark. You've got to respect a man that€™'s so powerful that he has become a one man crime-noir; Roark€™s only activities seem to be drinking, smoking cigars and gambling. It€™'s easy to see how he attained this influence as soon as you hear him speak, who said he was just a scary face?

Silver-tongued one minute and viciously intimidating the next, everyone hangs on to each syllable which escapes from under his magnificent moustache. Joseph Gordon Levitt€™'s phoned-in turn as Johnny (Roark's bastard) may have been able to beat his father at poker games while performing swish card tricks, but the Senator proved that this was ill advised by first breaking all of his illegitimate son's fingers and then shooting him in the face.

Every time the Senator€™'s name is mentioned it is with the caveat that he is not to be messed with under any circumstances and characters relay this information with the same fear in their eyes as the doomed studio assistants tasked with getting Powers Booth€™s lunch order correct.


A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson