15 Great Movies From The 2010s That Are Frustratingly Underrated

6. Utoya: July 22

Suspiria 2018
Paradox Film

Plot: A real-time re-enactment of the Utoya Island massacre on 22 July 2011, shown in one continious take.

There were two films based on the 2011 Norway attacks released in 2018. The one most saw was Paul Greengrass' 22 July, which was released on Netflix, and while 22 July is a good, powerful film, the second 22 July movie, which was Norwegian, is considerably better. And virtually no-one saw it.

As an unflinchingly realistic and murderously tense depiction of a terrible recent tragedy, Utoya: July 22 is more terrifying and harrowing than most horror films could ever dream of being. Utoya is also brilliant on a dramatic level, since it develops its characters beautifully and each death hits incredibly hard. In particular, the film's ending is genuinely traumatic and will leave viewers absolutely speechless.

More than anything else, Utoya is a powerful yet also tasteful reminder of the lives lost that day, as well as a warning of the growing threat of far-right terrorism. It's a devastating and brilliant film and so far, not enough people have seen it. Frankly, Oscar nominations should've been on the cards, especially for Best Foreign Film and for Andrea Berntzen's magnificent leading performance.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.