15 Greatest Ever Guilty Pleasure Action Movies

15. Point Break

An FBI agent must go undercover to bust a gang of bank robbing adrenaline junkies. The idea of an FBI agent chasing down surfing bank robbers is the kind of thing a little kid comes up with while playing with action figures. The saving grace is that these actors play it straight and commit to the outlandish premise. The silliness of the character profiles is what makes this movie so embarrassing to enjoy. Keanu plays the role of the still wet-behind-the-ears FBI agent until he begins to sympathize Swayze's gang. His moral dilemma solved by shooting into the air in one scene is laughably dramatic. Reeve€™s stammered line delivery of, €œI am an F.B.I. Agent!€ has become iconic and Swayze€™s knowledge of kung-fu in the movie is questionable. The only things not questionable about this movie is the direction under Bigelow and the stunt scenes that were mostly performed by the actual actors. It's not a smart or clever movie but it is the kind you can watch on a Saturday afternoon again and again. There is something comforting about simple characters that we can like. Patrick Swayze is still in his prime in this one and makes the lead villain the most likable character in the movie. Swayze€™s Bodhi is just in it for the thrill but has ice in his veins when it comes to being betrayed by Reeve€™s Johnny Utah. If for no other reasons, watch this movie for the exciting chase scenes, that are well shot and exciting to watch, and skydiving sequences, which were done by the real actors and not fake. Best Line: "Goddamn! You are one radical son of a bitch!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuVDrpl1tIY

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