15 Greatest Ever Horror Movie Villains

8. Pinhead (Hellraiser)

pennywise it
New World Pictures

Winner of creepiest looking inter-dimensional BDSM-loving traveler (which admittedly is rather specific, but you should see the other contenders) - is Pinhead from Clive Barker's body horror gorefest, Hellraiser.

As regal as he is demonic, Pinhead is the leader of the Cenobites, a group of explorers from another dimension intent on finding the most pleasurable carnal experiences across time and space. Getting the lines a little blurred, they now inflict incredibly painful torture on all those that happen across their summoning device - a puzzle box. Nothing is sacred.

Notable for the series of uh, pins in his head, Pinhead's dry rationalisations and communicative skills only add to his dread-inducing presence. Not all on this list can ellicit terror from a conversation alone.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.