15 Greatest Horror Directors Of All Time

13. Roger Corman

Wes Craven
© Darryl Estrine/Corbis

Notable Films: House Of Usher, The Raven, The Pit And The Pendulum, The Premature Burial

With his combined work both behind the camera and acting in the capacity as a producer, Roger Corman has contributed more to horror than pretty much anyone else working in the film industry.

Known by some as "The Pope Of Pop Cinema", Corman's career as a director delivered no less than 55 movies flirting with a wide variety of genres, from film noir to science fiction. The eight films he directed in the first half of the 1960s, based on short stories from the legendary horror writer Edgar Allen Poe, are timeless classics. Each of them capturing perfectly the macabre mood and Poe's ability to use terror to express aspects of the unconscious mind.

While his contribution to horror cinema is impressive, even more commendable is the long list of great filmmakers whose careers he helped launch. Thanks to Corman we've enjoyed amazing movies from the likes of Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, James Cameron and John Sayles, to name a few.


Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.