15 Greatest Opening Credit Sequences In Movies

3. Fight Club

Who doesn't love Fight Club? Regardless of whether we should be talking about it or not, Fight Club is a modern masterpiece that has captured the imaginations of audiences worldwide. A film full of twists, compelling characters, brilliant visuals, violence and a great meta narrative about consumerism and politics, David Fincher expertly executed the film.

What makes the film's opening so brilliantly effective is the fact that it teases the big reveal. Showing Ed Norton pulling a face of distress as he narrates the iconic opening: "People are always asking me if I know about Tyler Durden", the credits then assault the senses with high tempo music and a focus on the smaller details of the scene.

We see sweat and bruising, and are slowly shown what will soon be revealed to be a gun. The joy, though, is that the fact that it's clearly a gun as soon as it's teased; from there, with the graphics designed to show firing neurons, you can't help but conclude this a hostage situation. Norton is in trouble, but more than that, the graphics also suggest this is a battle of the mind.

Which, of course, is what the film is all about at its core. You just don't know it yet.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.